
Trying to Fit In

     Have you ever wanted to be a part of something that you had to alter yourself in order to "make the cut"? Maybe you wanted to fit into a social group and thought that you if you tried hard enough you'd make it. Perhaps, you even tried to fit into clothes that you knew didn't do your body justice.       We've all been there. What about trying to fit in with your in-laws who don't accept you? That happens more often than not. That's a whole other blog post. Why can't we just be satisfied with whom we are? Why does society put constraints upon us so that we have to look one way and have to fit in a certain way? And if we don't, we're weird or outcasts.       I like how cats make themselves fit into boxes and little areas that are too small for them. It reminds me of how I, in the past had tried to fit in knowing that I didn't belong trying to force myself into something. As the saying goes, it's like trying to fit a square peg into a

Spring Spirit

Spring is my favorite season. As a gardener, in fact, as a master gardener, I look forward each year to the little life that pups up through the ground. The whole earth is alive and waiting to emerge into the world. I feel that way about myself.       Winter is so deadly and long. Winter is my least favorite season. I love fall, too by the way, but spring is my favorite. I love summer because I get to watch everything grow and I get to harvest things from my garden and actually eat them. The only thing about summer in New England I don't like is the humidity. The humidity really gets to me. Sometimes I get what is called sun sickness. But if I'm really good about what hours I am outside and staying in the shade, wearing a hat then I'm okay.      This spring I am called to recommit and to reaffirm my connection with Spirit. Lately, I have gotten away from my once tight relationship with Spirit and now the Universe is calling me to find my strength again with Spirit to help m

Creative Anxiety

     Although I am highly functioning, I suffer from PTSD and acute anxiety. In recent years. I also have been diagnosed with major depressive mood disorder. I have two controlled heart arrhythmias. No one would know any of this because I walk every single day. I am in great health and I pop out writings like nobody's business. I am also very creative and very intelligent. Today, during a very anxious moment that lasted for about an hour and a half. I created all of what you see in the picture below.       Sometimes my anxiety makes me be super creative. It is not something I am ashamed of anymore. There are more people every day who are coming out about their anxieties. I have learned to live with mine. Walking helps me. Walking also helps me combat my type 2 diabetes. Despite all of these diagnoses, I am not down on myself nor do I feel like I should run and hide. So I just want to encourage those who feel like they should be ashamed of themselves. Don't hide. Don't be as


     On my day off today I made pet kerchiefs. I put them on my Etsy shop. I hope they sell. There has already been interest in them. Here are some of the designs:

Homesteading Dreams

     I come from a family of farmers. The farmers are on my father's side. My grandfather had acres of land in Alabama and he grew his own food and sold his food as well. He also had a general store. I remember running barefoot through the fields. I remember loving the sweet taste of the watermelon. I remember just being so at peace and carefree among the life that surrounded me. I want that. I am a gardener. In fact, I am a master gardener. I have been reading this book pictured below about homesteading. I don't have acres of land and I don't know what is going to happen to me after my husband and I officially divorce. Right now we have good land enough to do what my grandfather did. I just have to ask my ancestors and my spiritual team to guide me. I'm so tired of the tension every day at work.        When I went home from my teachingjob to become a mother and to raise a family, I didn't have any direction. I learned a lot of things. I had a podcast and did a lot

Easter Garden Walk

I have the Easter blues today. I walked through my garden and received an instant high looking at all of the things that are growing and things that will soon be growing. Here are some pictures:

Who am I?

A little about me: Candace Nadine Breen is of West African ( Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon of the Yoruba and Fulani tribes ) descent and wears many hats. She taught English in Providence, Rhode Island for eleven years for grades seven and nine. During that time, she tried to find her place in society while being driven away from various religious organizations for her inability to conform to their standards. While raising a family, she returned to school and earned a Master’s in Human Services with a focus on Marriage and Family Counseling. She was later a real estate agent for a few years but found it unfulfilling , stressful and time consuming. After taking time to open up herself to her true path, she buried herself in metaphysical studies, earning a Master’s of Science and Doctorate in Metaphysics. She became a Spiritualist Minister which seemed like the perfect occupation for her, at first, but she gradually felt that she was outgrowing the Spiritualist community and was told by a